Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Tree

The beautiful tamarack tree beside our garage. A tamarack is one of the only needle trees that loses it's needles in the fall, unlike pine, spruce etc that keep their needles and thus end up as Christmas trees. A tamarack turns a vivid yellow, really bright, and then drops its needles in a matter of days. My neighbour was quite hoping we would remove it (*gasp*) when we started the garage as it does make a's a huge tree.Look how high it towers over the roof. But, you know? When those flat needles all fall they make a carpet of yellow and then they turn a rusty orange and I think it's quite spectacular. It's a good thing we like our neighbour and we can joke about it...these are the sorts of problems that you see on those day time TV Court shows. There are many, tons, of these trees around town and in the bush and they are usually skinny, sparse and barren looking. I think mine is beautiful because it knows I love it. And besides...what did we all learn in school? "I think that I shall never see,
A poem as lovely as a tree..."
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Californiamama said...

We planted several Tamaracks up at our lake cabin, among pines and evergreens. I love the lacy, silky softness of the needles, so delicate compaired to their other relatives. This one of yours is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

I always wondered what a Tamarack looked like - BEAUTIFUL! No wonder you love it!