Wednesday, October 30, 2019

South Africa #20

Now we are headed to the Bloukrans Bridge bungy jump...not that I’m jumping! It’s the highest bungy jump in the world at 709 feet and one of the girls is taking the plunge. Literally. 

First we stopped at a grocery store to grab some lunch fixins’ and we ate outside in the sun. The birds immediately made plans on how to get a snack.

“What? No, I’m not scoping out the food, I’m totally looking somewhere else.”

“Quick, I’ll steal this one whole you distract them with your shiny feathers.”

Eventually we arrived at Bloukrands, and man, did that bridge look high! Only 3 of us chose to walk out to the jumping-off area via a rope and checker plate walkway. It was bouncy and I enjoyed it, I like heights. Our jumper-girl arrived at the spot by zip line. Just look at the top of the bridge and see how tiny the cars are to get a bit of perspective.

This is where we walked. 

And this is the area where they strapped her in and threw her off. They music is pumping and the staff is dancing and getting getting everyone really hyped up.

And that was was a really fun thing to watch. Now we are on our way to the city of George where another hike awaits us. Hopefully not as hard as Table Mountain.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

Love your posts Shannon.