Wednesday, October 23, 2019

South Africa #7

Had no wi-fi for the last little while, so I am a bit behind. I last left off after our hike through Cape of Good Hope, and then we were headed off to Boulders Beach. When I was researching things to do in Capetown, one highly rated option was the penguins at Boulders Beach. Penguins? In Africa? Who knew? So now I was excited...I have always wanted to see penguins in some sort of natural habitat. So this was awesome news! The penguins here are also called Jack-ass penguins, which I thought was rather mean until I heard them call and yell. They sound exactly like a donkey. Yes, an actual “hee-haw”, it was really bizarre to hear.

“Hello? Where did everyone go?”

Mum...mum....mummy!!! Where are you?!”
“Junior! Use your eyes and look!

“I’ve got my eyes shut because I just want to be left alone.”

“Just let me sleep, for the love of Poseidon.”

March of the Penguins.

“Junior! Dammit I can see you behind that bush, get over here now!”

“Come on, I’m as cute as any penguin....just let me climb up here and show you.”
(Rock Hyrax, also called a Dassie, and believe it or not, related to the elephant)

They penguins were beyond adorable. I could have watched them waddle and squawk for hours, but alas, the trip back to Capetown was calling. 

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